I love my coffee, but really I love my coffee creamer. The store brands are chock full of things that aren't so beneficial to our health like sugar, words I can't pronounce, endocrine disruptors, do I need to keep going? So I started on a mission to find a "better for you" coffee creamer. Enjoy! Makes 3 cups of creamer and can be served in warm or cold coffee.

1 can coconut milk-full fat version (14 oz)
1 1/4 c. unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk, or dairy
4 T. cocoa powder
1 T. vanilla extract
2 t. coconut extract
5 T. maple syrup
dash of salt
Mix ingredients in a small saucepan.
Heat over low until mixture starts to steam.
Strain creamer through a fine sieve.
Let cool and store in glass jar in fridge for up to a 2 weeks.